by Martine Poorters
2024 ass een extra Joer fir mech a punkto letzgogold....
Dëst Joer ass Zil esou vill ewéi méiglech Suen op de Compteur ze kréien fir d'Recherche vun den Tumeurs cérébrales.
Dem Charel hat leider eng Hiirtumeur déi net genuch erfuerscht war well se net oft virkënnt (un sech glécklecherweis, well d'Iwwerliewen ass praktesch bei Null ...), mee et gëtt nach vill aner Zorten Hiirtumeuren wou mussen erfuerscht ginn esou datt Kanner Chance op Liewen hunn.
Merci fir all Ënnerstëtzung
— Martine
LËTZ GO GOLD is a charity run organised by the Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner and takes place on the last Saturday morning of September. Each participant agrees to collect a minimum of € 200 (€ 100 for minors and students under 25 years of age) to fund paediatric cancer research: find new cures, improve existing ones, and learn more about the causes of paediatric cancers.
For the past 35 years, Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner has been accompanying families of children with cancer or a rare life-threatening disease on a daily basis. It’s multi-disciplinary team offers an individual accompaniment from the diagnosis to the remission of the child and offering administrative and financial services, psychological and social support and educational and recreational activities. In addition, the Foundation undertakes awareness campaigns and contributes to the improvement of the condition of the sick child. Finally, we actively support onco-pediatric research with one goal: to treat better and more.
De tout cœur avec vous dans cet engagement ! Arthur et Cindy