👏 +10€ 2 hours ago on the page "🌟 Offrons-leur une chance de grandir, pas un combat 🌟". Thank you Shannon from LUNEVILLE!
15 Participants
3 Teams
The Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner organises the 8th edition of the charity run LËTZ GO GOLD. Each participant commits to raise a minimum of € 200 (€ 100 for minors and students under the age of 25) to finance research against paediatric cancers to find new cures, improve existing ones and learn more about the causes of paediatric cancers.
#lëtzgogold2025 #fightchildhoodcancer
Would you like to become a sponsor of the run, co-finance all organization costs and therefore ensure that 100% of the funds collected by the donors is attributed to selected research programs? Please contact us by email or by phone: veerle.dierick@fondatioun.lu, +352 313170