800 € raised

LËTZ GO GOLD is a charity run organised by the Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner and takes place on the last Saturday morning of September. Each participant agrees to collect a minimum of € 200 (€ 100 for minors and students under 25 years of age) to fund paediatric cancer research: find new cures, improve existing ones, and learn more about the causes of paediatric cancers.

I register

1 min. sign up

Poldi Goes Gold

Poldi Goes Gold

Raised 420 €
Danse avec les étoiles

Danse avec les étoiles

Raised 220 €
Benoit goes Gold!

Benoit goes Gold!

Raised 60 €
🌟 Offrons-leur une chance de grandir, pas un combat 🌟

🌟 Offrons-leur une chance de grandir,...

Raised 40 €
recherche ass hoffnung

recherche ass hoffnung

Raised 40 €
Benjamin goes Gold!

Benjamin goes Gold!

Raised 10 €
Veerle goes Gold!

Veerle goes Gold!

Raised 10 €
Vir all betraffen Kanner an Famillen

Vir all betraffen Kanner an Famillen

Raised 0 €
Fanny Goes Gold

Fanny Goes Gold

Raised 0 €
Donner, c’est semer l’avenir…

Donner, c’est semer l’avenir…

Raised 0 €
Pierre Goes Gold

Pierre Goes Gold

Raised 0 €
Soraia’s Gogold again

Soraia’s Gogold again

Raised 0 €
Paty goes gold

Paty goes gold

Raised 0 €
Katya Goes Gold

Katya Goes Gold

Raised 0 €
ech maachen erem mat

ech maachen erem mat

Raised 0 €

Don't hesitate to contact us

+352 31 31 70 gogold@fondatioun.lu