Onik K. EFG Bank

Ready to Run
Onik K. EFG Bank
1 109€ raised

— Onik K. EFG Bank

LËTZ GO GOLD is a charity run organised by the Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner and takes place on the last Saturday morning of September. Each participant agrees to collect a minimum of € 200 (€ 100 for minors and students under 25 years of age) to fund paediatric cancer research: find new cures, improve existing ones, and learn more about the causes of paediatric cancers.

For the past 35 years, Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner has been accompanying families of children with cancer or a rare life-threatening disease on a daily basis. It’s multi-disciplinary team offers an individual accompaniment from the diagnosis to the remission of the child and offering administrative and financial services, psychological and social support and educational and recreational activities. In addition, the Foundation undertakes awareness campaigns and contributes to the improvement of the condition of the sick child. Finally, we actively support onco-pediatric research with one goal: to treat better and more.

Donations (8)

8 donors are supporting "Onik K. EFG Bank"
28.57 €
Palle has given 200 € to EFG Bank Luxembourg S.A. goes Gold  —  5 months ago
71.42 €
Anonymous has given 500 € to EFG Bank Luxembourg S.A. goes Gold  —  5 months ago
714.28 €
EFG BANK (lUXEMBOURG)SA has given 5000 € to EFG Bank Luxembourg S.A. goes Gold  —  5 months ago

Congratulations to our employees who participated in the charity run and a warm thank you to everyone who donated -employees, families and friends- for helping to increase the overall effort. We are proud to be surrounded by great people who share our ethos to make advance pediatric cancer research. Well done and letz continue to support next year and beyond!

20 €
ILANA  —  5 months ago
17.14 €
breulet has given 120 € to EFG Bank Luxembourg S.A. goes Gold  —  5 months ago
7.14 €
NUNO has given 50 € to EFG Bank Luxembourg S.A. goes Gold  —  5 months ago

One Team, One Bank, ONE CAUSE

200 €
Anonymous  —  5 months ago
50 €
Onik  —  5 months ago