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Associer le souvenir d'un de vos proches à une belle action solidaire est un merveilleux geste. Milles mercis.

— Poldi

For 35 years, the Kriibskrank Kanner Foundation has been supporting children and adolescents with cancer, as well as their families, on a daily basis. It has three essential missions: direct assistance to the affected families, raising awareness about childhood cancer, and promoting pediatric oncology research. Our team offers individual support from the time of diagnosis until the child’s remission by providing administrative and financial services, psychological and social support, and educational and recreational activities. The Foundation undertakes awareness campaigns and contributes to improving the condition of sick children. Finally, the Foundation actively supports pediatric oncology research with a single goal: to treat better and cure more children.

The Kriibskrank Kanner Foundation is primarily funded by the generosity of the general public and undergoes an annual external audit as well as compliance with the requirements of the Don en Confiance Luxembourg association. Every donation counts.

Donations (2)

2 donors are supporting "Poldi"
5 €
Thomas  —  18 days ago
5 €
Pierre  —  25 days ago

En souvenir et pour les enfants de la Fondation.